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English Learner Advisory Committee & District English Learner Advisory Committee

Summary of Requirements






ELAC - School Committee

DELAC - District Committee


Any school with 20 or more English Learners


Any district with 50 or more English Learners


open to:

Parents of English Learners - % of committee = % of ELs in school

Principal, teachers, resource teachers, specialists, aides, other parents


Parents of English Learners = 51% of committee and cannot include parents employed by the district, Superintendent or Designee, teachers, resource teachers, specialists, aides, other parents.



Members are elected by EL parents - 2 yr. service


Elected Officials

Required: Representative to District DELAC - 2 yr. service

Recommended: President, VP, Secretary - 2 yr. service


None required

Recommended: President, VP, Secretary - 2 yr. service


Open to the public and posted with agenda at least 72 hours in advance, all meeting materials available to public



By vote of elected members on items on agenda only, (unless members vote unanimously to take a vote immediately.)


Committee Responsibilities

Follow committee by-laws (if any), Advise school re: educational and other needs of English Learners, Advise school re: Single Plan for Student Achievement and funding pertaining to EL students, review the R-30 language census every spring, receive information and advise re: supporting student attendance, elect a representative to DELAC who reports on ELAC meetings, participate in trainings offered, offer ideas to increase student attendance.


Advise the School Board re: Programs & services for English Learners, the needs of English Learners at each school, district goals & objectives for these students, the development of a plan to comply with teacher certification required by the state, the Annual Language Census (R-30), the district's reclassification process, the notifications that parents receive


School/District Responsibilities

Facilitate meetings, elections, translating, training and communication between ELAC & DELAC, take minutes and roll, Inform committee re: programs and placement for EL students according to English level (CELDT), re-classification, how progress is determined, plans for students who are not making adequate progress, plans for parent involvement.


Last Modified on 12/2/2008 5:24:15 PM