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1. Must meet a minimum of 4 times per year.

2. Must have a membership of ELL parents in at least the same percentage as ELL students at the school (other members may be non-ELL parents, school staff, etc.).

3. Must elect one member to be the representative to DELAC.


Required topics by law:

1.  Choose DELAC and School Site Council representative

2.  School Site Plan - English Language Learners (parents must have the opportunity to give input in the
      development of the EL section of  the plan).

3.   Conducting the school needs assessment (e.g. for Plan development, or survey given to parents at
      the end of the year)..

4.   Ways to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance.

5.   Uniform Complaint Procedure

6.   Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

7   .California  Assessment of Student  Performance and Progress (CAASPP)  Assessments
      Smarter Balanced System of Assessments, California Science Test, California Alternate
      Assessments, California Spanish Assessment, and Grade Two Diagnostic Assessments
8. . Englis Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)

9.  AMAO'S

10.  School intervention programs

11.  Reclassification

12.  Report cards

13.  Pupil Progress Profiles

 Suggested other topics - choose as pertinent to your committee's interest:
  • Site programs for ELLs (could go over materials)
  • Explain the Master Plan (overall purpose; perhaps explain a different section at each meeting)
  • Standards (Language Arts, Math, and ELD) in an abbreviated form
  • Promotion/retention criteria
  • Running Records (even a demo of the tests)
  • Parenting tips - e.g. "how to read with your child"
  • The importance of homework (student responsibility, how it contributes to grades, setting a regular time/place for homework, etc.)
  • Budget concerns - how they might affect the schools
  • Any other topic the parents wish to learn about (take a survey)

Remember, ELAC stands for English Language Advisory Committee - the more informed they are, the better involved they will be.
Last Modified on 8/8/2009 5:51:05 PM