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Attendance: All students are expected to attend school regularly and to be on time for classes in order to obtain maximum benefit from the instructional program. There is a direct relationship between poor attendance and class failure. Students who have good attendance generally achieve higher grades and enjoy school more.
The following reasons are recognized as being valid for absence from school:
  • Personal illness
  • llness in the family
  • Death of a relative
  • Observance of a religious holiday
  • Emergency circumstances which, in the judgment of the administration, constitute good and sufficient cause for absence from school.

ABSENCES: Please telephone the school office (408) 923-1965, by 8:30 A.M. if your child is absent from school. You may call this number at anytime beginning the afternoon before. Leave a message stating your child's name, classroom teacher's name, your name, and the reason for the absence. If your child will be absent because of travel 5 or more days, please contact the school office at least 10 days before the child will be gone. This will provide us the time to prepare an Independent Study Contract for your child. This will help your child stay current with his/her class, and make this an excused absence.

TARDIES: Tardies are disruptive to both your child and his/her class. Punctuality is a habit that needs to be established while children are young. We would appreciate your cooperation in helping your child learn this important habit. Children must be in their classrooms by 8:00 (TK, Kinder, 4th & 5th Grades) and by 8:15 A.M. (1st, 2nd & 3rd Grades).

Playground supervision begins at 7:45 A.M. and we urge you not to send your children to school before that time, as we cannot be responsible for their safety.