
Why use Animoto?

It's free!
  • Free account and online access, so you don't have to download or learn software
  • Warning: Educator accounts are reviewed and may take a few days, so register early

 It's easy to use
  • Just choose photo, music (your own or a provided selection) and text and animoto automatically creates custom videos
  • All the directions are given step by step. Foolproof.
  • You can use the video as it, edit it yourself OR hit remix to see a new custom video

 It works with different technology
Works with all computer platforms.
Works with dial up as well as high speed DSL.


Great for student projects
  • A free substitute for expensive software programs like Powerpoint, Moviemaker, etc.
  • Students can access your account without worrying about online safety or privacy issues

The music animoto provides is safe, free to use and follows copyright rules.
  • Select from animoto's decent selection of music OR
  • Upload your own music

 You can share it easily

With one click you can
  • Publish to a blog, facebook, youtube, or classroom website
  • Email
  • Download to your computer
  • Burn in DVD quality

 Getting Started:
Register at

The registration is a simple form, but you may want to sign up a few days in advance because Education accounts are reviewed for approval. With a free educator account, you will get more space for your projects and different options for saving and size of project.